Facing Fears: Linda A. Janssen on the Launch of Turning Points

Linda A. Janssen is a dynamic women I respect as a writer. Linda has many ongoing projects the latest being Turning Points, launched this week, which she writes about below. Having read the book and already written one review I can recommend it as an inspiring book for anyone.

So, without further ado and a huge drumroll, please welcome Linda Janssen to Wordgeyser

Facing Fears

by Linda A. Janssen

Thanks so much to Wordgeyser for hosting this stop on my ‘virtual book tour’. I’m visiting  a dozen great blogs to share a little about the writing journey that has led to the publication of my first book.

It’s hard to believe that the day has come and gone, but the book I contributed to, Turning Points: 25 Inspiring Stories From Women Entrepreneurs Who Have Turned Their Careers and Their Lives Around, has launched.

It’s an uplifting collection of personal essays in which women from all around the world, living different lives and working in various fields, reach a pivotal moment or series of events that triggers the realization that life as they know it simply must change. Each woman shares her journey, what her personal turning point was, how she responded, what resources helped her institute change(s), and ultimately the lessons learned along the way.

Kate Cobb, a women’s business and executive coach (www.movingforwardyourway.com) and Brit now living in France, is our courageous editor. Our fearless publisher is the savvy Jo Parfitt (www.joparfitt.com) who runs Summertime Publishing.

I must confess that I continue to find the whole episode an interesting mixture of overwhelming, exhausting, humbling and just plain fun! The response has been amazing, with great support from so many.

At the head of the line has been my dear friend and wonderful writer Wordgeyser. I’m not surprised as she’s always been a fabulous source of support, inspiration and writing camaraderie. So when I started planning this blog tour, I knew exactly what I wanted to write here. In fact, she touched on it herself in this recent post Silver Linings: Two Sides to Every Coin 

Writing about the mixture of fear and excitement that goes along with becoming involved in something new and big and different, Wordgeyser wrote these sage words about why we decide to swallow our hesitations and jump in:

‘Because being brave enough to put yourelf out there, accepting you might fail and still doing it, takes far more guts than doing nothing at all. Trying something new, stretching yourself and failing is of more value than not trying at all.’

These words speak volumes to me. So much so that they are written on a little yellow Post-It note stuck to my laptop, there to inspire and encourage me each time I touch the keyboard.

I love writing. It gives me great pleasure. It drives me to destraction, yet I am driven to write.

But I’ll be completely candid: sometimes putting my thoughts, feelings and emotions on the written page is scary. It’s opening myself up to inspection, review and criticism. I have no idea if others will find something in my writing that they value, whether the words will resonate, or if anyone will even care. I certainly wrestled with these demons and more as I wrote my chapter for Turning Points.

Writers are similar in this regard. When it comes to baring our souls, Wordgeyser and I are kindred spirits. How do I know?

Because this is the quote by Eleanor Roosevelt that was already sticking to my laptop when I read Wordgeyser’s post on fear:

‘You gain strength, courage and confidence by every experience in which you really stop to look fear in the face.’

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

If you’d like to find out more about our book, please take a look at the website         www.theturningpointsbook.com, or follow along on Facebook’s The Turning Points Book page or on Twitter @Turning_Points. A portion of all sales will benefit www.seedsfordevelopment.org.

About wordgeyser

Our anglo/american family used to live in four countries (USA, Canada, UK and the Netherlands) on two continents, separated by distance, time zones, circumstance and cultures. It has been a scary, enriching, challenging place to be. The only things guaranteed to get us through were a sense of humour and the amazing people met along the way. . . This year everything changed with a move for us from the Netherlands, – and a move along with us for our son and his wife from the UK – to Houston, Texas, the same city as our daughter. With our youngest in Vancouver, Canada, we are now all living on the same continent. How this happened, and more importantly why, will be the subject of this ongoing blog...
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6 Responses to Facing Fears: Linda A. Janssen on the Launch of Turning Points

  1. Jane,
    thanks for hosting this stop on Linda’s virtual book tour!!!

    you say what many of us have without a doubt felt, and you are doing it superbly, thank you for sharing. I always say that the first letter in Fear in F, and it stands for Face, and as one of the other 24 co-authors, this has been an amazing 2011 project, and with a magic combo of excitement and jitters, it was wonderful and warming to see that the launch was so successful, and the book, already impacting so many people!!!


  2. Thanks Jo, Sheila and Wordgeyser. I try to remind myself that doing something scary is uncomfortable but having done something scary is an amazingly rewarding feeling.

    The book is doing tremendously well, and yes it did hit #1 in the Women & Business category. I’m almost even more proud that at one point it had climbed to #22 in Entrepreneurship and #34 in the sub-category of Success in the Self-Help category. The message of rebirth and renewal is a strong one that people are embracing. Many thanks to you all for your support.

  3. summertimepublishing says:

    Super piece of writing, Linda. You know they say that there is nothing worth doing that does not contain an element of fear…. so I guess that’s just why we all do these scary things … because it makes us feel good! Jo

  4. Sheila says:

    Brilliant inspirational copy, I identify with your journey, value your views. Another saying I have to remind myself of is – there is nothing to fear but fear itself.

  5. What helps push us over these hurdles of fear? Friends would be at the top of the list, and I’m blessed. Thank you

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