Thanksgiving: The Purest Holiday Of Them All

Growing up in Europe I’d never given much thought to Thanksgiving, except as an American holiday at the end of November. I knew it commemorated the pilgrims first year of survival in the New World and that was about it.

Until we immigrated to New Orleans, USA and our first Thanksgiving was a revelation.

In my superior British way, I assumed this was an American excuse for a fun time, shopping and good television. After all, this was a young, brash, in-your-face-country which couldn’t hold a candle to Europe when it came to tradition, spectacle, and sophisticated understatement.

Oh how I’d misjudged this purest of national celebrations.

We spent our first Thanksgiving with business colleagues of the Captain who’d generously invited us to share the day with them and their extended family. As Thanksgiving approached the nation went into overdrive and we sensed this was a bigger deal than we’d imagined.

Christmas trees were appearing everywhere (one notable local family had their 15 foot Christmas tree dressed and in their 2-story foyer at Halloween), along with exterior lights and decorations. The only comparable reference I had was Oxford Street in London, at the annual switching on of the Christmas lights. I was seriously worried about the ability of the national grid to handle the load. We hadn’t realised the Christmas season started at Thanksgiving.

Culture shocked we arrived at our hosts on Thanksgiving Day and were immediately assaulted by glorious aromas wafting from a crowded kitchen loud with boisterous chatter and good natured laughter. This was not a typical Deep South Thanksgiving (we later realised) but a New York Jewish one, with all the noise and chaos that entailed.

The women chatted in the heat of the kitchen, while the men passed considered opinions on the big game watching the pre-match analysis on the television. An assortment of children from toddlers to pre-teens were chasing round the good humoured adults, while the older teens had removed themselves to another room to play pool, laughing, joshing and flirting with each other.

By the time we sat down for dinner the last thing we wanted was food. From the moment we’d arrived there had been a constant supply of delicious appetizers to tempt every sense and we knew it would have been ungracious to refuse. By the time the meal was over everyone was ready to explode and lie in a darkened room until the nausea of over indulgence subsided.

We left pretty soon afterwards feeling, as only brits can, that our hosts may appreciate some time with their immediate family. In reality they probably thought we were rude and churlish for leaving before the end of the day, such is the warmth and welcoming nature of every American I’ve ever met.

From our current perspective as British naturalized Americans it has been wonderful to appreciate how deeply ingrained Thanksgiving is in the American psyche.

America is a welcoming nation; whatever your opinion on the global and national politics of the country its people have huge hearts and great generosity of spirit. They are curious, enthusiastic and embracing.

One day a year a melting pot of nationalities, cultures, colors and religions celebrate together. Of course it’s not easy, but America observes a tradition that transcends race, color, creed and politics, with everybody bringing something of their own to the table.


Thanksgiving celebrates life and shared humanity. Whatever our backgrounds or ethnic origins we all want the best for our families and the freedom to live and worship in the way we choose. It has a purity at its core which is sometimes lost in the hurly burly of everyday life. It allows us to focus on family, friends and sharing food, acknowledging two of our most basic needs – companionship and sustenance.

So to our friends and family all over the globe, whatever country you’re in, whoever you’re sharing the day with, safe travels and have a happy, reflective, Thanksgiving.

About wordgeyser

Our anglo/american family used to live in four countries (USA, Canada, UK and the Netherlands) on two continents, separated by distance, time zones, circumstance and cultures. It has been a scary, enriching, challenging place to be. The only things guaranteed to get us through were a sense of humour and the amazing people met along the way. . . This year everything changed with a move for us from the Netherlands, – and a move along with us for our son and his wife from the UK – to Houston, Texas, the same city as our daughter. With our youngest in Vancouver, Canada, we are now all living on the same continent. How this happened, and more importantly why, will be the subject of this ongoing blog...
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3 Responses to Thanksgiving: The Purest Holiday Of Them All

  1. Sareen says:

    As a true Scot, with American sisters-in-law, niece and friends, I sat down with my cup of tea and piece of shortbread to read your blog today Jane. Lovely. You have inspired me to get on that phone, e-mail etc and wish Happy Thanksgiving to all those I know who are lucky enough to participate in this day of days. Happy Thanksgiving and enjoy the turkey!

  2. Jane says:

    I saved this to read this morning, as I head off to the Pieterskerk service. It has put me in just the right frame of mind 🙂 Happy Thanksgiving!

  3. Beautiful. Just beautiful. I’m speechless. Happy Thanksgiving from one American to another who truly understands the meaning of the day. Alll the best to your family.

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