Versatility: Something We All Need

It seems I am Versatile.

A startling and unexpected revelation to someone who has spent much of the past month deliberately under the radar. This is the time of year when awards are awarded (think the Baftas and the Oscars), as much in the bloggosphere as any other creative arena.

Being under said radar and happily ignorant of all things cyber, this honour, bestowed by fellow bloggers, has forced my head above the parapet, woken me from a dreamlike inertia and dropped me back with a reluctant thud into Blogland. I am to nominate bloggers who I think are interesting and versatile. I read all of them regularly.

So here goes, lower the lights and drumroll please…

Wordgeyser nominees for Versatile Blogger 2011

Adventures in Expatland – Linda, a fellow American expat here in the Netherlands, who writes on all things expat and then some. This is a woman who challenges everyone she meets to be their best, makes you think, makes you aware. And she can write. Really well.

The Unexpected Traveller – Thirty something single guy travelling the world with work and living between Brussels and Malta. Doesn’t matter what he blogs about, you read it because he writes it.

Gidday from the UK – Kym a 40-something aussie living in the UK. Great style and she makes me laugh. Nuff said.

Drie Culturen (Three Cultures) – a blog about all things TCK (Third Culture Kid) written by a TCK who arrived in the Netherlands via Africa. Fun and informative.

Perking The Pansies  – Jack and Liam, a middle-aged, married gay couple move their lives from middle class London to Turkey. ‘Jack’ chronicles their exploits on his blog and now in a best-selling book of the same name. Hilarious, and exquisitely written

What About Your saucepans? – British expat Lindsay’s life in the Dominican Republic – check it out as this woman will be going places with her upcoming book.

Expatcalidocious  – Reina is a Dutch repatriate, the child of Hungarian/Dutch expats, now raising her own TCK. Accounts of her early life travelling with her parents are priceless.

In Search Of A Life Less Ordinary – Russel Ward is a Brit, who with his wife Sarah headed for Canada (Vancouver then Ottawa) and now lives in Sydney. A writers’ writer.

Find My New Normal – losing a child at 36 weeks, this anonymous American in London chronicles the journey forward from loss – she draws you in because her writing is real and compelling.

Postcards from Across the Pond
Mike Harling, the American giving Bill Bryson a run for his money in the south of England. He brightens my day. His books make me laugh.

Adventures in Integration an aussie drawn to the Netherlands by a Dutch Adonis who she wisely married. They now have a baby. What is it about me and aussie’s?

I was an Expat Wife – repatriated Canadian Maria on expat life.

Expatlogue – Aisha, writing in Canada via Ireland and the UK.

So there it is, the blogs and bloggers who make me think and brighten my day – with thanks to each of them.

Check some of them out for yourself – enjoy!

About wordgeyser

Our anglo/american family used to live in four countries (USA, Canada, UK and the Netherlands) on two continents, separated by distance, time zones, circumstance and cultures. It has been a scary, enriching, challenging place to be. The only things guaranteed to get us through were a sense of humour and the amazing people met along the way. . . This year everything changed with a move for us from the Netherlands, – and a move along with us for our son and his wife from the UK – to Houston, Texas, the same city as our daughter. With our youngest in Vancouver, Canada, we are now all living on the same continent. How this happened, and more importantly why, will be the subject of this ongoing blog...
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6 Responses to Versatility: Something We All Need

  1. expatlogue says:

    Oh dear! I read this AAAGGGEESSS ago and what with spam flooding out of my email account and a dodgy battery on my laptop, I completely forgot to get back to you and thank you for both reading my mind-meanderings and, more improbably, publicizing the fact! Congratulations on your well-deserved award, and, dare I ask…. how’s the insurance debacle going? Any end in sight?

  2. Invader_Stu says:

    Congratulations on the award 🙂

  3. unexpectedtraveller says:

    Ooh! Another nomination! Why thank you kindly my dear; one of these days I shall have to visit the Hague to see what I can write about … 🙂

    (so many places, so little time!)

  4. Why thank you kind woman, and right back at you! You are versatile indeed.

  5. Thank you, thank you, thank you. And I’d like to take this opportunity to thank all the other people who made this possible…(Ugh! Those American celebrities; they do go on!)

  6. Kym Hamer says:

    Thanks so much Jane. Glad a little drop of Gidday makes you smile.
    And welcome back…

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