The Art of Thinking

In my opinion thinking is a much underrated pastime, often confused with indolence and idleness by those who do not allow their thoughts to roam freely and often. I can recommend doing nothing but thinking as a wonderful way to pass an hour or two, preferably in a hammock with a glass of wine to hand.

You can take a book, pretending to spend time improving or enriching your mind, but I guarantee within a few minutes the book will fall unhurriedly to your chest as your eyes are caught by, perhaps, the swaying of the branches overhead, the fantastical shape of a scudding cloud, or your breath is taken away by the violet blueness of a vibrant summer sky.

This implies good weather but the sense of relaxation can equally by achieved with the same glorious results curled in a chair on a rainy day, watching the ribbons of rain snaking down the window pane, and listening to the popping of scented wood burning slowly in a fire grate, watching smoke wisping in spirals up the chimney.

It’s an opportunity to set all your senses free to explore the space around you. The ticking of a clock, the scent of roses, the feel of the fabric of the chair holding you safe, the taste of springtime on your tongue (try it), the glimpse of the living world outside your window.

I’ve always felt guilty about my thinking time but it is a delicious and necessary pleasure. Every day I try to find a moment or two of stillness to just be. Having a dog comes in handy, a grand excuse to find a secluded spot somewhere in the woods or by the sea.

It was with great delight I received an email from the Captain recently, forwarding an article published in  the UK Independent newspaper by the author, playwright, screenwriter and filmmaker Hanif Kureishi.  The article is no longer available at the Independent but I found it reproduced on a blog so click the link if you’re interested in reading it.

Entitled  The Art of writing: Hanif Kureishi reveals how to succeed in the worlds of fiction and film, it wasn’t so much the title of the article that engaged me, rather some of his comments in it descibing how he spent his time. 

I can’t begin to tell you what hard work it is looking out of the window and wondering about your favourite pen, and which colour ink you prefer that day, but few will be convinced.”’

A man after my own heart who understands the point of being lost in thought, whatever that thought may be. I’m so relieved.

I was beginning to think I was a lazy and self indulgent, shooting the breeze while the rest of the world focused on making their hamster-wheel lives turn ever faster.  But now I know I’m not alone, there are other day-dreamers like me. Some have bigger dreams than others but that’s not the point – it’s allowing yourself to dream, to lose yourself for a while, that matters.

The cushions on my chair are plumped, the cup of tea beside it steaming, and those sliding raindrops on the window are calling…

About wordgeyser

Our anglo/american family used to live in four countries (USA, Canada, UK and the Netherlands) on two continents, separated by distance, time zones, circumstance and cultures. It has been a scary, enriching, challenging place to be. The only things guaranteed to get us through were a sense of humour and the amazing people met along the way. . . This year everything changed with a move for us from the Netherlands, – and a move along with us for our son and his wife from the UK – to Houston, Texas, the same city as our daughter. With our youngest in Vancouver, Canada, we are now all living on the same continent. How this happened, and more importantly why, will be the subject of this ongoing blog...
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6 Responses to The Art of Thinking

  1. wordgeyser says:

    The mammock is available to rent, along with unlimited music and whatever anyone else needs to get in the zone; I think Jane is already there . .

  2. MA Dmochowski says:

    Life here in the States is not often conducive to thinking. Always bustling from one errand to another, car pooling to events. Oh how I miss the independence of a teen on a bike! The trees are budding. Time to find me a picture window and a cup of hot tea.

  3. sheila eaton says:

    Thinking in my view is one of life’s joys.

  4. Jane says:

    Can’t comment… too busy thinking….

  5. Ooh may I borrow that lovely beachside hammock? No idleness or indolence whatsoever, especially when it generates such an inspiring post. Kureishi would be proud!

  6. Ellen Worling says:

    As always you get me thinking of what I’m not allowing myself to do, because I’m too busy doing stuff for others. For me listening to a piece of music that I find moving and inspiring is such a great pleasure, it can lift me out of my life into the clouds. Alas I do not listen as much as I would like. However, I’m going to go and do it right now. :-p

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